Thursday, January 29, 2004

“For or all sad words, or tongue or pen, the saddest are these: “It might have been.”

– John Greenleaf Whittier

...It's been awhile, eh? My apologies, I've had alot of stuff on my mind recently. You know, now that I think about it, at the risk of sounding like an EMO song...I'll leave it at that.

Do you want to know what I detest possibly more than anything else on this earth (besides a man in Tallahasee, FL named Bobby Bowden?) Winter. It's just a completely useless season and all it does is make me angry and bitter over how flippin' cold it always is.

So Old Man Winter, this is for you...

*Shakes fist at PC Screen*

In other, significantly more pathetic news, I'm still available. If you're a lovley lady looking for a 5'8", 170 lbs Kent State University Frosh with very little athletic ability anymore (I blame it on my High School Baseball Coach), but a firm grasp of biting sarcasm and an undying love of all things Notre Dame...Look me up sometime. We'll hang in the room and watch "Rudy"...

...How can you say "No" to this kid? Sean Astin wants you to look me up sometime.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates....

- Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell

So it begins once again. Kent has been back in session for a week and things have gone without incident up to this point...Fingers crossed.

So it's 2:30 on a Sunday Night/Monday Morning and I'm doing what any Male College Student would do when he realizes there is not school the next day (Thanks Martin Luther King Jr)...Watching "Rudy" for the upteenth time while listening to an incredibly strange Hulk Hogan Rap/Rock CD I found in a pile of junk that I packed away when I moved to my current house five years ago...

...What? You thought I would be drinking myself into a stupor? Apparently you don't know me and my tragically over-active mind. It's really a killer...It prevents me from doing anything that could be construed as "fun" out of the fear of derailing me from my singular reason for being at Kent State University (that stupid piece of paper that says I didn't kill myself within the four year stretch I was enrolled here.)

Well, it's time to wrap this up. In closing, I'll leave you with this one command...PLEASE purchase Damien Rice's CD, "O". I've talked about him before, but it needs to be stated again. The more I listen to this CD, the more I realize that this is one of the greatest Albums I've ever heard in my entire life. Damien is a truely amazing talent and I'm positive that this CD will touch you as much as it has me. It's gotten to me in ways that few Albums ever have before...

Slán agaibh,

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

"As a well-spent day bring happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death."

- Leonardo da Vinci

I have nothing to put here but to pay my respects to a great man. Someone who, when I die, if I can say that I was a tenth the man he was, then I'll be happy.

I love you Grandfather, and I'll Miss You...

John McNally (1917-2004)

...I'll see you again someday.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

I wrote a letter to my dad - I wrote, "I really enjoy being here," but I accidentally wrote rarely instead of really. But I still wanted to use it so i crossed it out and wrote, "I rarely drive steamboats, dad - there's a lot of shit you don't know about me. Quit trying to act like I'm a steamboat operator." This letter took a harsh turn right away...

- Mitch Hedberg

8 Days untill I go back to Kent. Rock on!

In other news, my freaking loser Cowboys got the taste slapped out of their mouthes by the flippin' Carolina Panthers...

= tEh SuK!!!1!11!1

At least I can take solice in knowing that Peyton Manning WILL NOT win his game later today. For some odd reason, I take great pride in seeing him fall flat on his face in big games. Must have something to do with me being a failed athlete and now spending the rest of my life making fun of those who are doing what I never could.

...Or I just don't like Peyton Manning. Either one.

There's not much else here to report. I'm still a loser who is being avoided like the Bubonic Plauge by the one person I really had feelings for. So that always sucks...

*Pulls Knife out of Back*

...I believe this is yours?

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