Friday, June 04, 2004

God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your humble servants. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In your name we pray, Amen.

- Dewey Finn (School of Rock)

Hey, sorry for the long period between posts. I really have to be honest...I don't have alot to talk about here, I'm kind of running on empty. The only thing that has happened to me between May 17th and June 4th is that I got a terrible, terrible job. A job where uncomfortable shoes and bow-ties reign supreme.

Yes, you are now reading the incoherant ramblings of the newest caterer for Jeff Chrystal's Catering company. If you look hard enough, I'm sure you'll me driving a very ugly-looking white van with "Chrystal's Catering" smacked on the side of it all over the Mahoning Valley. Just, do me a favor, if you DO see me...Don't make fun of my bow-Tie and ruffly shirt. I am very sensitive about my bow-Tie and ruffly shirt.

How about this, though. I've been working three weeks, and I've already recieved a promotion. I don't know if that's a GOOD or a BAD thing. I mean, I guess I like that they have faith in me, but it also means that I can't leave the job now because they're putting alot of responsibility on me. This means I have to put my life's dream of working at Toys R Us on hold for another few months...Grrrr...

Basically, what they want me to do is be the guy who handles alot of the catering duties for the Mahoning Valley Scrappers baseball team (Single A affiliate for the Cleveland Indians.) Chrystal's caters for all the louges and also they cater for the team themselves during their clubhouse meals. They like to have one person consistantly handle the duties for the sake of familiarity, I suppose. So, I guess it means that I could get the chance to meet some future Major Leaguers (Victor Martinez and C.C. Sabathia are both former Scrappers), but it also means I probably have to see some things in a Clubhouse that no man is supposed to see...Which is bad. I'd imagine alot of towel whipping goes on in a Minor Leauge clubhouse.

Te veo más tarde,

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