Monday, June 21, 2004

There was a moment last night, when she was sandwiched between the two Finnish dwarves and the Maori tribesmen, where I thought, "Wow, I could really spend the rest of my life with this woman".

- Derek Zoolander

It's been a long two weeks. I haven't had a day off from work since June 10th, so I'm really cherishing this week ahead of me. See, my sole responsibility is to make sure the Mahoning Valley Scrappers stop their bitching and become a well-fed, well-oiled, Single-A Baseball killing machine. This week, the Scrappers begin a week-long road trip, so I'm free from the shackles of my horrible job. You know, before this week, I didn't know that there even WAS a 5:30 am...

At last count, I have roughly 71 more days in Youngstown before Kent State begins it's Fall Semester. I can't wait. They say that you never realize how much you miss something untill it's not there every day, and that couldn't be any more true in this case. I miss my classes, I miss my friends I made at Kent, I miss my life at Kent, I miss it all. I especially miss not having a job...Cutting yourself while slicing tomatoes sucks. Hard. I hope those damn Cafaro's like their turkey wraps, because I think I lost the use of my left Index Finger while trying to make them.

The only other thing I have to mention is my un-dying love for the show, Scrubs. My buddy, Mikey V. got me into watching it last year at Kent, and I'm so hopelessly addicted to it. It's, without a doubt in my mind, the best show on TV. The only thing better than the writing on this show is the taste in music the producers of this show seem to have. Every episode, there seems to be 2 or 3 songs they play in the background that I've never heard before. Scrubs has turned me onto singers like Shawn Mullins, Jeremy Kay, The Buzzcocks, Colin Hay, Lazlo Bane, Guided by Voices, Nil Lara, and John Cale. Check out Scrubs on Tuesdays at 9:30. You'll love it just as much as I do if you give it a shot, no doubt.

Oh, and before I run, I have one more thing to mention...Jillie, sorry about prank calling you around 6 times Wednesday morning. I had my phone in my pocket and I forgot to turn the Keylock on. So, just to re-affirm what I'm saying...No, I didn't INTEND on calling you to find out your oppinion on French Toast. That question was directed to someone else. My bad.

Kahur kosh,

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