Saturday, June 25, 2005

"Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios."

- Family Guy -

So, I've got this annoying habit of purposely exposing just how incredibly much free-time I have on my hands. Well, since it's been awhile since I've made an idiot of myself on this blog, I've decided to share with you my latest observation.

My hair. It's poofy.

I can't help it, really. I'm pretty much all Irish, and with that comes a few traits that are, well, un-avoidable:

- I have approximately 34,000 first-cousins.
- The ability to tan is lost upon me.
- Potatoes. Serve 'em up.
- I suck at Basketball.
- I have a natural talent for curse words.
- Many of my female relatives are named Mary, Catherine, or Elizabeth, and one of them is named Mary Catherine Elizabeth.
- I think food tastes better boiled, for some reason.
- I've never vomited after drinking. To do so would waste alcohol.

...But the one trait that I'd like to discuss today is that I have incredibly wavey hair. I normally can control it, thanks to the relatively colder weather of Northeastern Ohio, but when things get warm...Things get dicey.

To illustrate my point, here is a photo from my recent trip to Disney World:

(On a side-note: No matter who I meet in my life, no one will ever match up to the un-bridled awesomeness of Chip and Dale. They bring it 6 days a week and twice on Sundays.)

Looks alright, eh? Dare I say, "hawt" even? Well, since I don't have any other photos from later on in the day with me at the moment, I'll just perform a little "time-lapse" work on this to illustrate what my main looked like a couple of hours down the road:

Bam. Afro. Or, if you want to get specific, the "McFro." Or the "O'Fro." Either one, really. We Irish kind of use them interchangably.

(Oh, and again...Side-note...I gave myself some cool sideburns. I couldn't help myself. Sorry.)

I'll talk about my experiences at Disney World later on. I'm all tuckered out...It's been a long day. To be perfectly honest, the only reason I posted this was because I always wondered what I'd look like with an afro. It's late...So sue me.


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